In response to your Federalist piece today (1/13/2024) I thought you'd like this story of a college dropout who saw opportunity in bad airline food - and a lot of other places.


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In Burlington, MA Middle school students tear down Pride banners, chant 'USA are my pronouns' while wearing red, white, and blue.


This is brilliant. Middle school; that makes these kids 7th, 8th & 9th grade @ 13, 14, 15 years old and probably have been under heavy indoctrination for years. The spirit of freedom still burns bright.

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Thanks for that, Peachy! I really needed it! God Bless You!

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I love my nation and plan to fight to save it from the evil that hates us. I suspect I'll have a lot of compatriots.

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#8: 2A

Since we do not require registration, there is no direct way to document how many of us own guns. But there are indirect ways and CBS a couple of years ago ranked all 50 states by the portion of the population that was armed. I was surprised that my Texas was only in the middle. The winner? Montana, where two out of three households have at least one firearm. As my brother lives in a little town in northwest MT, I can vouch for that figure.

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#1: Our language.

There's a book published in the late '70s or, more likely, the early '80s, making the case that English is the best contemporary literary language. I wish I could remember the title. I didn't read it all, but the first couple of chapters were enough to convince me. Plus it was hilarious. Written by a woman who grew up in working class Florida and had already published books and written screenplays.

English has a huge vocabulary because it is really two languages -- Anglo Saxon and French. The everyday vocabulary of the educated classes has a larger portion of Latin root words than the "common folk" use. However, in an emergency we all instinctively revert to Anglo Saxon. A drowning man does not yell "Aide!"

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Also, Dude, Chinaman is no longer the preferred nomenclature. Asian- American, please.

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That was in “The Big Lewbowski”. Lol.

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Peachy K, much like Jeffrey Lebowski the elder, lost her legs in Korea, but went out and achieved anyway. I admire her tenacity and her taste in fine cinema. The day she starts riffing on "Idiocracy" I might propose marriage.

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Jul 5, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Peachy....we're gunna win...we're goint to beat this Biden BS and reamerge MAGA.

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Jul 5, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

I used to work for IBM and they truly meant the "International" bit. I got sent to a lot of places around the world and, from every one of them, I was glad to get back to the States. I've never much cared for McDonald's, but was delighted to find one across the street from the Centrale in Milan. A little taste of home--even if I had to order a cheeseburger doppio instead of a double cheeseburger. A weird little mini-grocery store in Hong Kong that actually sold Triscuits! (Of course, there was the time getting off the plane in Honolulu I was wondering what the local exchange rate was...)

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way down?? down???!!! My clicked-on heart is for every word except the last three of the essay. Long Live the USA!!!!

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Jul 5, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

It's the best place to be. That's why we stay and fight. I have a friend in Mexico and I asked him if he ever considered coming here, legally or illegally. He said he would rather stay and fight to make it more like the US.

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Jul 5, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

Thanks for that! Especially 1, 3, 8 and 9!

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Excellent idea for an article, fully agreed with 8/10 (Zoomers are idiots and just yesterday the Federal Government was exposed has having violated the 1A - which the government will of course never be punished for)...

Would add:

- Friendless and small talk (other countries hate it, but there’s nothing better than having a pleasant, wide-ranging convo with a complete stranger when you’re absorbed in negative self-talk).

- Economic dynamism... was watching the Arnold documentary on Netflix and it is true insane to think that a kid who grew up in the Austrian hinterlands could become one of the most iconic Americans in a foreign country within a decade... and there are a million stories like this, not even just from immigrants. Lincoln himself grew up poor as dirt, etc. etc. That kind of stuff simply happens nowhere else (consistently) but America.

- Diversity (in the good way) of cities. The fact Miami, Denver, New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago (etc.) are in the same country is just insane. Nowhere else has that variety of cultural hubs.


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Jul 5, 2023Liked by Peachy Keenan

You said it sister! 🎯

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