What can I say? He had me at hello. Nine years later, here we are. What a ride. I bet on him in 2016 to win and I made money. I just always knew he was the one—the only one who could take the fight to the people who sent our country into a nose dive.
My prediction? Right now, it’s sort of looking like a likely Trump win and it won’t even be close. People are done with the politicians who gave us Covid, lockdowns, vax mandates, masks on kids, school shut downs, Floyd riots, mass mayhem, burning cities, getting called a “white supremacist,” drag queens in kindergartens, genital mutilations on minors, eleven million illegals gaming our generous welfare state and swamping our schools and hospitals, and total catastrophe and failure abroad—and oh yeah, wrecking our economy. The eggs at my local Stater Bros. market are still $8.99 a dozen!
The only hedge is: who can know how deep and evil their cheating machine is? Will Lil Joshie Shapiro throw his overweening ambition to run for president in 2028 on the pyre and muddy himself in the muck of cheats, steals, shady ballot drops, and other shenanigans?
Or will he “appear” to do all he can for her while ensuring quietly that she loses, which sets him up to be the hero in 2028?
In a fair country, with a fair media that doesn’t bury positive Trump stories and slavishly edit interviews on behalf of their numbskull candidate, Trump would be 20 points ahead nationally. In a country that didn’t have 47.8 million (!!) foreign-born residents who overwhelmingly vote Democrat, Trump would be ahead 20 points—in California.
And if they were unable to cheat with even a single fake ballot and could not re-run the same ballot multiple times, he would be ahead 20 points.
But we live in an insane clown world. So the real miracle is: he is even or ahead of Kamala in poll after poll. Despite getting silenced and banned from Twitter, two assassination attempts, one bullet to the head, utterly vicious deluge of fraudulent lawfare, and all the rest, he is tied or beating the machine. With nothing but his mojo and his tireless ability to move forward, his refusal to succumb to the headwinds and shrapnel they throw up relentlessly in his face, he keeps on going.
And still: he is tied or ahead of their machine-chosen candidate.
We Already Won — Hear Me Out
No matter what happens tonight and this week, we have already come so far and won so much.
Let’s review!
We’ve already won because Trumpism is 50%+ of the country, and growing. Despite the globalists’ attempts to strangle MAGA in its crib, crush Trumpism, and defeat American populism, it has only grown stronger each year. We’re not going back to the gross old Republican party filled with its doddering kleptocrats and glitching saboteurs. They are done, forever.
The new GOP will no longer be the party of warmed over Reaganism running on stale fumes, but an invigorated, muscular MAGA party. That is a tremendous victory and will only gain steam, no matter who is in the White House.
We already won because the libertarians, the independents, the former democrats, the MAHA mommies (Make American Healthy Again), the Paulists, the crypto bros, the techno futurists, and the centrists are basically all Trump aligned.
We already won because Trumpism solved race relations. Under Trump, black and hispanic men are voting for him in record numbers for a Republican candidate. He is bringing together good patriotic citizens of every walk of life. Harmony, love, and respect for human life at every stage is blossoming in the Trump greenhouse. Families and their children are respected. Mothers and fathers are honored as the primary guardians of their kids—not the state.
We already won because Trump’s party is now the only American political party that cares about peace, prosperity, life, law and order, and liberty. Free speech is defended. Borders will be protected. Our wallets will no longer be emptied by the long arm of the federal government.
We already won because we are now the only party that cares about its citizens not living in fear for their lives on city streets.
We already won because our fear is gone. We no longer cower at the threat of doxxing or deplatforming. We no longer fear being canceled or ruined by expressing normal political beliefs or speaking truth, like saying there are only two genders or that race should not be a factor in giving someone a job or a college admission.
We already won because we are no longer willing to go quietly, to curl up in a hole and die, to kneel and beg our ideological captors for forgiveness, to apologize for our race or our class or our gender. We are no longer willing to surrender, to go along to get alone. We already lost our old friends and made new ones.
We already won because collectively we will not be defeated or silenced, no matter what torments they inflict on us or our leaders. Together we are resisting the globalists, the wicked international order, neocons, degenerate billionaire celebrities, Diddy partygoers, Godless heathens, abortionists, and all those who seek to subjugate human thriving under the boot of their greasy totalitarian lust for power.
We already won because we will never surrender, no matter what the future holds. If they want to crush Trumpism, and oh boy do they want to, they will have to exterminate us to the last breeding pair.
To that I say: molon labe!
Thanks for reading — go vote, go pray, and go TRUMP.
Let’s go win this one, for all time.
Agree totally!! My husband & I were saying the same. My heart is lighter already....no matter the outcome, although I certainly pray that Trump wins, handily.
I pray, I vote & I remain optimistic. As a Christian, my confidence is in God & I'm so grateful to Him for the win we already have gained. May it continue....win, win, win!
Bless you Peachy! Appreciate you in this space & X.
Great post. So well stated the bigger picture of the Trump phenomenon. He must win. The idea of this charmless, inauthentic lady being installed and led around by a truly miserable deep state bunch makes me ill. So I am praying mightily for Trump to see this to the end and win. 😀😀